I have just been wondering if anyone would give me 320 ijji coins for 5 accounts in Gunbound Revolution(the account are all over the rank of metal axe)If u do not trust me add me to ur Msn messenger(my e-mail is:[email protected])and i will tell u the full details on the 5 accs.P.S the acc all have over 100k of gold.....plz tell me if ur in intrest to this message by adding me ty and peace out!!! 100k gold is nothing man. and for 320 ijji coins? no ones going to give you 32 bucks worth bud Im not sure but i think he means all five accounts have 100k+ so a total of 500k+ but idk if thats worth 32$ you cant combine the gold anyways so you get to buy 5 mediocre items for your 30 bucks. ripoff