Selling Trading 2011 Roblox Account for Good roblox account with tons of robux.

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by Evionic, 4/14/17.

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  1. Evionic

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    I am trading my account for a good account with mostly a lot of robux, The general base of the game, Account creation time doesn't matter, I'm just trading for a well put together account, Needs pricey limiteds or a lot of robux on hand.

    Trading my 2011 Roblox Account with 4370 robux worth in limiteds, Up to 12k+ in just accessories without the limiteds, Which added with all limiteds and all accessories is 16k+, 6 pages of hats, 2 Pages of hair, 2 pages of masks/glasses, 12 pages of shirts, Both Male and Female, I have a ton of roblox male/female items, So gender doesn't matter, Good for trolling. 4 pages of game passes, This is the account good for players who just want to troll or get a good start, Oh and I don't even wanna talk about clothing, I have tons.

    Many offsale items that are now unobtainable. Anything else you need to know is on my profile

    My username is amandaviv2, You can contact me at [email protected]
    Message me on roblox
    Message me on steam at Steam Community :: NapoleonOfficial
    Contact me on discord at @CrunkyM8#0379
    I trade fair and please do so aswell, We can settle on it, No scamming.
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