hey well i got a lvl 63 and 22 on 1 acc for aq uummm a lvl 31 for df and a lvl 12 for AQW for my aq acc every armour classes r lvl 10 and hess got good armour including nighbaneform and golden dragonslayer my df acc its pretty good its got paladin and necromancer class mastered and almost has death knight mastered as for my AQW acc i sold alot of stuff on it but its still pretty good ummmm so i dont have explain lol ***************************************************** just check tht out and im trading all 3 of these accs(cuzz aq acc has 2) for a guardian or a X-guardian acc it could be lvl 1 for all i care but those are the only accsa i want a guardian or X lvl 1- to wutever please take this offer either pm on here o e-mail me ty e-mail- ***************************************************** and sorry about the second post of the same but the old one i coodnt change the title outside soz i made this one and this one gives better info also just added im willing to give away a lvl 11 mq acc also with the whole deal soz plz offer up pl0x