Sold Trading 2 accs for one - ios na eu sophia smurf , android na eu futaba smurf

Discussion in 'Identity V Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell' started by sonyeoneun, 5/26/21.

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  1. sonyeoneun

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    ACCOUNT 1: iOS na/eu FULL ENTOMOLOGIST (missing standby motion) + candy girl smurf
    ACCOUNT 2: ANDROID na/eu futaba sakura + surveyor smurf
    can trade both accounts separately, but would prefer to trade both accounts for a good ios na/eu account ! will only take android or asia if its a really good offer. skins im lf are kim, any awakened p5 skin (not queen), the viper, the embrace, desolate sands, lady 13, junji ito skins, any OLDER...

    trading 2 accs for one - ios na eu sophia smurf , android na eu futaba smurf
    #1 sonyeoneun, 5/26/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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