Sold Trading 117 Trapless Kitty.

Discussion in 'Toontown Rewritten Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hillsandvalleys, 11/25/17.

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  1. hillsandvalleys

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    Trading this guy for a toon at least tasking in DDL. Maxed gags would be awesome, but it ain't required. Email must come with the account.

    My toon...
    ▪ Trapless black kitty.
    ▪ Male, tall-ish.
    ▪ 117 laff, maxed gags.
    ▪ Maxed in cash and sell.
    ▪ Big Wig 14 in lawbot.
    ▪ Flunky 4 (I think) in bossbot.
    ▪ Decent amount of SOS/rewards, has 6 fires.
    ▪ Maxed bank.
    ▪ 5/7 fishing trophies.
    ▪ 5 or 6 bean combos in gardening (not sure).
    ▪ Organic throw.
    ▪ Rewrite available in 18 days.
    ▪ Linked email address comes with it.

    If interested, email me at [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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