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    1. Xanxicar

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      UP for sale are two daoc accounts in one ea account , first account contains 10L4 eldritch and 9L1 bard, and second account contains 1 low rr enchanter. all toons have solid but slightly outdated temps but still very useful. This account is also eligible for 30 free days of gametime. I am vet on this site ( i registered 12 years ago on this site when it was named . dragon and have solid feedbacks. my aim is boshixanxicar but you can also msg me through this website if you want. i am not asking too much just asking $250 for this whole accnt.


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      enchanter is rr1.8, ML10 and has solid gear (good for PL)

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      all toons are on ywain btw

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      also willing to trade this account for solid wow accnt(will take both us/eu) , wow accnt must be Legion activated with some toons lvl 110 and in good gear.
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