Sold Trade-sell my howrse accaunt (int)

Discussion in 'Howrse Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ssosell, 6/4/22.

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  1. Ssosell

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    Hello everybody
    I have a howrse accaunt that I don't use anymore than exchange-sell.
    I would trade it for a rich star stable accaunt.
    I spent a lot on howrse (having now become a pay to win game). I'm looking for it in the uk server with many horses (if you don't have it from that server, do nothing) my howrse account has:
    588 days of seniority
    100 passes
    800k of equeens.
    has many trophies
    373 horses
    has 5 farms:
    Champions has all horses with high potential (100 horses)
    fantasy land has pegasus and unicorn horses and special horses (23)
    my favorite (divine and wild horses and horses with special coats) are 43
    maximus are horses equipped and ready for competition (18)
    gestation are the mares I use to breed (25) the other horses, on the other hand, have low potential or I only need them for trophies. a divine is in gestation.
    has black market items mainly animals. I will put the photos under this post. for the sale I would sell it for 70 € even if I am more predisposed to the exchange. The SSO accaunt I would like to have the possibility to change the password so I would like the credentials of the associated email, since if you change the howrse email I can no longer recover it and it doesn't seem right. like you, you have the possibility to have your own account in a safe way, I also want to have it in mine :) thanks.

    Contact me in my social
    Email: [email protected]
    Discord: emo_boy#8540

    The photo is not all the accaunt
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