Hello i want to trade my league of legends account for SC II key for play. 289wins in normals. I have: Champs: www.nahraj-obrazek.cz/?di=613667293450 Account: www.nahraj-obrazek.cz/?di=013667294913 Skins: Unchained Alistar, Nightblade Irelia, 520 Battleborn Kayle, 975 Obsidian Malphite, 975 Pharaoh Nidalee, 975 Bloodfury Renekton, 975 Super Teemo 975 Undertaker Yorick 975 Runes: 3X AD QUINTS, 9X AD MARKS, 9X SEAL ARMOR, 9X GLYPH MR (ADC RUNES) 3X SPEED QUINTS, 3X G PER/S SUPPORT QUINTS if you are interested contact me on skype: RauzZicek and there i'll give you more info. Thanks for reading .; again trading i can trade it for WoL key or HoS key )