trade for a 10$ prepaid card for gold?

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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    anyone willing to trade their 10$ prepaid card for an amount of gold?

    if u are name the amount of gold u want.

    how much gold do you want for it? im willing to trade 400k or less

    Originally Posted by WTFPWNED!

    how much gold do you want for it? im willing to trade 400k or less

    how about 375k gold

    pm me ur email address for ur msn, or juss post here, we talk over msn k :D

    umm i dont have msn, ill just PM you?

    ya sure juss pm me. juss pm me ur gb user name to so we can atleast talk on gb

    Good luck to the two of you.

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