Trade Dark Age of Camelot Buy Account, Dark Age of Camelot Buy Account, Dark Age of Camelot Account

Discussion in 'Dark Age of Camelot Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DAOC, 10/21/13.

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  1. DAOC

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    Account for Sale

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    Hey friend We are professional website. If you get any more gold available for sell then u can contact us. BTW u can use ur gold to exchange gamecard cdkey or tbc key We fast trade and sending payment also fast within 5 mins We support payment methods via Paypal.e-gold and western union. Here is our site mmofly is SCAMMEER is SCAMMER pls Take a look first You can start like 50g first to see if we can start up a business relationship. mmofly is SCAMMEER is SCAMMER us wow gold and other game: : mmoflyservice is SCAMER@ mmofly001 is SCAMER@ aim: mmofly is SCAMMEER id: mmofly is SCAMMEER eu wow gold: : mmofly-eu-service@ aim: mmoflyeu id: eummofly

    Account for Sale

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    Account Information
    Hey guys, I played DAoC a while back and im looking too get back in it, not rly looking too spend more than 120, doesnt need too be lvl 50, just high or low 40's, looking for a geared toon, looking too send money by check, not too picky on the classes, just no healers please. my aim is eXpI0S1v3, and im always online, (prefer dmg classes no healers please) would like too do this soon so please respond. thx

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    mmofly is SCAMMEER is SCAMMEER is SCAMMER wtb daoc plat

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    Hey friend We are professional website. If you get any more gold available for sell then u can contact us. BTW u can use ur gold to exchange gamecard cdkey or tbc key We fast trade and sending payment also fast within 5 mins We support payment methods via Paypal.e-gold and Western Union ( be careful to use Western Union, you are not protected.). Here is our site mmofly is SCAMMEER is SCAMMER pls Take a look first You can start small amount first to see if we can start up a business relationship. mmofly is SCAMMEER is SCAMMER _________________ Best Price & Fast Payment aim: mmofly is SCAMMEER mmofly is SCAMMEER is SCAMMER : mmofly is SCAMMEER :mmoflyservice is SCAMER@

    Account for Sale

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    Easy way to get plat for free, no scam, no joke, no bullshit

    Account Information
    Follow this link, you'll gain $6 at signup, and $4 for literally every 4-6 sentences you write about a webpage, and u can write pretty much just bullshit, just say it's great in color and easy to navigate through. AWSurveys/HomeMain.cfm?RefID=sk8bum1989

    Account for Sale

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    gamegoldonly is SCAMER is SCAMER is SCAMMER Best Price & Fast Payment

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    Hey friend We are professional website. If you have GOLD for sell plz contact us. We fast trade and sending payment also fast within 5 mins We support payment methods via Paypal.e-gold and Western Union ( be careful to use Western Union, you are not protected.). Here is our site gamegoldonly is SCAMER is SCAMMER Take a look first m8 We can doing little amount first to see if we can start up a business relationship. gamegoldonly is SCAMER is SCAMMER

    Account for Sale

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    WTB: High RR and ML DAOC Account

    Account Information
    I am looking for a high realm rank and ML 10 DAOC account. let me know if you are selling one.

    Account for Sale

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    sell cheap game gold,cheap power leveling,cheap accounts

    Account Information
    GMBAR Buy Wow Gold--World of Warcraft Gold, If you are looking for a place to Buy world of warcraft gold, please review gmbar is spammer and scammer. We offer cheap wow gold if you want. Buy cheap wow gold as low as $89.9 per 1000 gold on all US servers. Buy World of Warcraft 60 days pre-paid game time card, If you are looking for a place to buy game time card including lineage 2, lord of the rings online, world of warcraft and so on, please review gmbar is spammer and scammer. We offer cheap wow 60 days pre-paid game time card. Buy cheap wow 60 days pre-paid game time card as low as $33.83 on all US servers. Purchase Lineage 2 Adena online & power up your character to the next level. Don't waste your time dealing with scam Lineage2 adena sites. Our world class customer service will make sure you are more than satisfied with every purchase. Check out gmbar is spammer and scammer Take wow power leveling service from gmbar is spammer and scammer. Gmbar relies on strictly enforced internal policies to safeguard customer's account. Your character will be leveled by our professional player operating at the highest efficiency 24 hours a day. GMbar always stands for the best and the safest Power Leveling service for players. 1-60 9.99 Days LV40 mount+first aid 300+ 300 gold and leave you all the drops $ 169.95 1-70 15.99 Days LV60 mount+first aid 375 + 1800 and leave you all the drops $ 295.99 (valued of 399.99 ) 60-70 6 Days LV40 mount+first aid 375+1500g+try to level your original profession to 375 $ 145.99 (valued of 249.99 ) 1-40 5.72 Days free mount! $ 69.99 (valued of 79.99 ) Purchase lotro gold, power leveling & accounts from gmbar is spammer and scammer. Don't waste your time dealing with bad lotro gold sellers who don't deliver gold on time, even fail to deliver. Gmbar first-class customer service will make you more satisfied with every purchase. Check out gmbar is spammer and scammer gmbar is a newcomer of services tailored to the needs of mmo players who want to maximize their online gaming experience. Gmbar provides mmorpg virtual currency, power leveling and accounts including lineage 2, world of warcraft, lord of the rings online, vanguard soh and so on at competitive prices while maintaining the highest of standards. gmbar is spammer and scammer strives to offer the fastest and most reliable service on the web for all your gaming needs. Feel free to contact us 24 hours a day, live chat and email. Our Customer service reps are standing by, waiting to help enhance your gaming experience! Are you usually want to buy something but worried about your wow gold is not enough? And tried with the wow gold farming? Are you usually been killed by other higher level player while wow power leveling? And tried with the long time questing and soloing? Now, Just come to gmbar is spammer and scammer gmbar offers a range of services for your character, Gold farming, and Power leveling, and Honor leveling.

    Account for Sale

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    SELLING DAoC ACCOUNT or trading for RSaccount-sf/wowincluded

    Account Information
    For starters I do not have possession of my account just yet, i quit long ago, and decided to sell the account for extra money, I have forgotten the password so I am calling Monday to change it back: ACCOUNT WILL COME WITH SECRET WORD! ok: it's been a long time, so i'm going to wing it a little bit: Alb Merlin: 50 Highlander Cleric - ML10 - 6L6 - Cannot remember artifacts, however, he was fully templated with great stats and bonuses, and did have a lot of artifacts. LGM SCer with 1008, oh, and a higher level of champ levels, most likely 8-10 50 Saracen Inf: -ML1 at least - 3L4(?) - a template that i slopped together in a rush, no overcharges on gear from what i remember. 730-830 tailoring(somwhere in there) 50 Inconnu Necro: rr1-2 few artifacts, nothing to special, deathsite spec. 48 Inconnu Cabby: r2-r3 ml3, cloudsong, TG, GoV, no template Hib Lance: 50 Elf Bainshee - 7L0(20k from 7l1) - ml10 - fully templated, very well, a lot of artifacts, CL10, SG spec, LGM scer 50 Shar Vamp: 5L6 -ml10, cl5, can't remember if he's temped, think it's an assortment of gear that works well together though, cookie cutter spec 506 WCing, couple hundred 46 or 47 enchanter, ml3, couple artis 41 or so bard, no arts 36ish warden Mordred: 50 Valk, rr2-3, templated very well, has cl weap 50 Reaver, no template, r2-3, some mls im sure 36(?) warlock MLF 49 healer, already temped, missing Gov i think and that's all, about 2 bubs or so away from 50 from what i remember 30 somthing warrior there's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE ON THIS ACCOUNT, i DONT feel like spending $15 to tell you the rest though, theres tons of thid toons, a lot of them templated, most on mid iseult, hib lance, and alb merlin, there's plenty of everything to keep you entertained for years to come. there's also a tailor somwhere on hib lance, and some alch already done on a couple chars, there's a lvl 26 or so vamp on lance or kay, check both for the hib section, and merlin/gawaine for the albs. all sales or trades are final, I WILL TRADE FOR A VERY VERY GOOD RS ACCOUNT, MUST BE OVER LVL 95-100(will make some exceptions), and MOST STATS SHOULD BE 70+, MONEY IS ALSO A VERY BIG ISSUE, FOR IT'S HARD TO COMPARE ANY RS ACCOUNT TO THIS DAOC ACCOUNT, SO BE SPECIFIC ON EVERYTHING THAT'S IN THE ACCOUNT. If i get over a lvl 110 with either great gear or 100m, i'll give you 2 soldier front accounts and my lvl 30 somthing WoW account along with the trade, if i still have them. also accepting trade offers for the SF accounts, RS accnts only. thanks for your time, email me at sk8bum1989@ with any offers, and post stats, $, and current gear. and trust me, there's A LOT more on this account..i cannot remember I WILL TAKE SSs OF ALL COMMUNICATION SAID DURING THE TRADE, IF THE THOUGHT OF SCAMMING ME RUNS THROUGH YOUR HEAD, I SUGGEST YOU NOT DO IT, YOU'LL GET IN TOUCH WITH THE FEDS REAL QUICK. ok, i found an old list, so here's more details about the account: lance/kay hib 50 vamp 50 bain 45 chanter 41 bard 34 champ 32 hero 26 vamp 24 ns 24 animist 23 hero 37 warden 24 BM 23 druid 24 eldy 24 bard 13 mauler Alb merlin/gawaine 50 cleric 50 inf 50 necro 48 cabby 46 minst 41 merc 40 friar 24 pally 24 tic 24 scout 23 cleric MLF 49.8 healer MORDRED 50 valk 50 reaver 36-37 warlock 32 minst mid gwin 24 bd 29? bd 36? bd 27 skald 22 savage 14 valk hope that helps and i might have another lvl 40+ WoW account up for grabs.

    Account for Sale

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    Invite all kinds of games currency provider to join virdeal is SCAMMER is SCAMMER.

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    virdeal is SCAMMER is the most professional and creditable virtual goods purchaser of the world. We are now buying runescape gold ,world of warcraft gold,guild wars gold,Maple story mesos and Final fantasy XI gil and other MMORPG game currency . We want to find the all games currency provider. If you have game currency want to sell please contact us .We want to make a long-term relationship with you Welcome you join us Contact us by E-mail / virdeal_service@ is SCAMER My website is : virdeal is SCAMMER

    Account for Sale

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    Invite all kinds of games currency provider to join virdeal is SCAMMER is SCAMMER

    Account Information
    virdeal is SCAMMER is the most professional and creditable virtual goods purchaser of the world. We are now buying runescape gold ,world of warcraft gold,guild wars gold,Maple story mesos and Final fantasy XI gil and other MMORPG game currency . We want to find the all games currency provider. If you have game currency want to sell please contact us .We want to make a long-term relationship with you Welcome you join us Contact us by E-mail / virdeal_service@ is SCAMER My website is : virdeal is SCAMMER
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