Hi , I am looking for specific augment for Thunder turret - Its called Nanotech shells and it can heal teammates. You dont have to have anything else, less is better, rank does not matter but I prefer not legend acc. I can trade one with one of my own alt accounts. 1. Warrant Officer 2, (low to medium rank) Exotic augment for Twins - plasmatron (Mk4) Hopper with emp and freeze immunity (Mk3) Brutus drone lvl 20. 200K cry to upgrade and proceed in game. 300tk 2. Sergeant-Major (low rank) 174 common keys Only shaft turret unlocked = higher chance to get something good for shaft from ultra keys Rapid fire mode for shaft emp imunity for crusader 3. Warrant officer 3 (medium rank) Only scorpion turret unlocked Hunter Ultra skin 460K crystals for upgrade 4. Warrant officer 5 (medium rank) Full upgraded defender drone 100K cry Heat immunity - wasp Stun immunity, Enginer - hopper incendiary mix for fire, shock freeze for freeze, wolf pack for scorp. Smoky, scorp upgraded to Mk4+, crusader too 5. Major (medium to high rank) Full upgraded saboteur drone Armadillo prot. (not upgraded) Mk5 hulls wasp mammoth - Ap,Emp,Jammer,Enigner palladin - Emp,Ap imunity Mk6 hulls hunter - freeze imunity ares - lifeguard, stun immunity Turret augments AP for tesla, Berserk for Rico, AP for twins, assault rounds for smoky, uranium,remote rocket and cyclone for striker, 6. Colonel (close to high rank) Full upgraded trickster drone Mk6 hulls Mammoth - enginer Dictator - AP, Jammer, Blaster Hopper Hunter - freeze , enginer Mk7 hulls Wasp - enigner , emp Mine protection 34 % Turrets Mk6 Shaft - SBE Striker - adrenaline,cyclone, missle launcher hunter, Twins - plasma accelerator, adrenaline Mk7 Scorp - incendiary, explosive shells, explosive warheads, adrenaline Firebird - high pressure pump, incendiary, adrenaline Thats it, if you have one acc with thunder nanotech shells and you are not playing on it just trade it with me with one of this accounts. Thanks