Account for Sale Main Character Information Level 75 Paladin Elvaan Male on Ramuh Account Information Rank: 10 AF: 5 Conquest Points: 40000 Passes and Keys: All Missions Completed: All Crystals: All Summons: All Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great. Describe All Jobs Equipment: Your Characters Server: Ramuh Your Characters Level: 75 Your Characters Job: Paladin Main Hand: Macuahuitl +1 Secondary Hand: Koenig Shield Head: Aegishjalmr Neck: Ritter Gorget Ear 1: Loquacious Earring Ear 2: Ethereal Earring Chest: Gallant Surcoat Hands: Homam Manopolas Finger 1: Hercule's Ring Finger 2: Jelly Ring Back: Cerberus Mantle Waist: Warwolf Belt L: Homam Cosciales Feet: Askar Gambieras Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50: All Subjobs Unlocked?: Number of Subjobs over Level 30: Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version World Transferable: Yes - Available Now If selected no, when will it be transferrable?: Additional Information Total Gil Account for Sale Main Character Information Level 75 Paladin Elvaan Male on Ramuh Account Information Rank: 9 AF: 6 Conquest Points: Passes and Keys: Missions Completed: Crystals: Summons: Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 4 - Good Full Gear - Average to Good Describe All Jobs Equipment: Your Characters Server: Ramuh Your Characters Level: 75 Your Characters Job: Warrior Main Hand: Woodville's axe/blizzard toporok Secondary Hand: Maneater/pole grip Head: Wivre mask/walahra turban Neck: Chivalrous chain w/ augments Ear 1: dodge earring / atilla's earring Ear 2: dodge earring/atilla's earring Chest: Hauberk Hands: Pallas's bracelets Finger 1: ecphoria ring Finger 2: Garralous ring Back: Smilodon mantle/psilos mantle Waist: warwolf belt L: exorcist hose Feet: af feet Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Your Characters Server: Ramuh Your Characters Level: 75 Your Characters Job: Thief Main Hand: Behemoth knife w/ augment Secondary Hand: behemoth knife Head: wivre mask/walahra turban Neck: chivalrous chain Ear 1: dodge earring Ear 2: dodge earring Chest: raparree harness/scorpion harness/af Hands: af Finger 1: ecphoria ring Finger 2: unyielding ring Back: psilos mantle/lynx mantle Waist: warwolf belt/life belt L: cobra unit subligar/af Feet: cobra unit leggings/af Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: JOB IS DANCER, NOT THF Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50: All Subjobs Unlocked?: Number of Subjobs over Level 30: Subjob Level: 40 Characters Subjob: Ninja Subjob Level: 50 Characters Subjob: Samurai Subjob Level: 75 Characters Subjob: Warrior Subjob Level: 75 Characters Subjob: Dancer Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version World Transferable: No - Not Available Now If selected no, when will it be transferrable?: when you get a pass? Additional Information Total Gil Account for Sale Main Character Information Level 75 Paladin Elvaan Male on Ramuh Account Information Rank: 10 AF: 5 Conquest Points: 40000 Passes and Keys: All Missions Completed: All, Wings of the Goddess Mission 7 Crystals: All Summons: All Best Way To Sum Main Jobs Equipment: 5 - Amazing Gear, Great. Describe All Jobs Equipment: Your Characters Server: Ramuh Your Characters Level: 75 Your Characters Job: Paladin Main Hand: Bronze Sword Secondary Hand: Buckler Head: Bronze Cap Neck: Feather Collar Ear 1: Ear 2: Chest: Bronze Vest Hands: Cuffs Finger 1: Courage Ring Finger 2: Courage Ring Back: Rabbit Mantle Waist: L: Bronze Subligar Feet: Bounding Boots Additional Equipment Worth Mentioning: Select the number of tradeskills over skill level 50: Tradeskill: Tradeskill Level: All Subjobs Unlocked?: Number of Subjobs over Level 30: Latest Expansion Enabled: Wings of the Goddess Version of Final Fantasy XI: PC - USA Version World Transferable: Yes - Available Now If selected no, when will it be transferrable?: Additional Information Total Gil