Sold TR 11 | 14X100 | 24.280.000 POWER| 10 ANCIENT FULL | Hero 6.564.000

Discussion in 'Hustle Castle Fantasy Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Paxller, 4/28/21.

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  1. Paxller

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    My Location:
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    Make Offer
    skype goclicker

    telegram: Paxller

    discord: Paxller#0436

    WhatsApp: +380995270859


    Price: offer

    Selling it with FB account

    Annihilator 6/6

    Drakula 6/6

    Incinerator 6/6

    Storm 6/6

    Oracle 6/6

    Legionnaire 6/6

    Doom 6/6

    Paladin 6/6

    Shadow 6/6

    Ranger 6/6

    Priest 1/6

    workers in rare-epic clothes

    Orange gem's: 132

    unused purple gem's: 39

    unused blue gem's: 218

    200 torch, 300 arena tickets

    much skins.

    1.600.000 ether

    117.000 badge of courage

    3.680 diamonds

    Crystals: 31 orange; 25 Purple; 85 Blue; 19.180 Green; 8.140 Grey

    Scroll: 34 orange; 14 Purple; 104 Blue; 454 Green; 805 Grey

    Mithril in chest's: 2.900.000 + 2.5kk from res sending reward

    Apples: 12.000.000 +22.5kk from res sending reward

    Goblin: 31d

    2x bonus on market still available

    0.png 1.png 2.1.png 2.2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png
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