Hello Wanna sell my Acc a lot of nice stuff here And a lot of time and money invested Plus it's my personal Facebook. I also fished all the available challenges up today and I ofc will play and farm until my Account get to right owner and hope it will grow forward. I will sent quick videos with my stuff to interest ppl with my equipment, materias and my characters and ofc on the request clients a can also show what is already completed and other things... Up today I'm broke with 850 lapis 9mil gil A lot of Tmr, Stmr's 21x NV With Ibara ex2,Rain ex2,cCoud ex3 Tifa ex3 , Sora ( soon ex1 ) Sol ex2 ,AD Akstar ex2,Yoshikiri ex2 ,S.Elena ex2, S. Fina&Daisy ex1 , Gabranth ex1 ( 100shards missing Transcension Pearl's ) G.L.Sakura ex2 and more like Madam Edel, Loren, VoDark, Aerith, Lucius, Pryo G Lasswell ,Red 13, B.S. Sakura,Cloud on ex1 or base ready to upgrade most of my top units are max out with Atk,def, spr,mag etc.and ofc LB til lv 30-40 Easily can beat all trials and Dark Vision with little effort on top spots, on pvp also have great team I missing few good units since I was away for some time but I beck when NV units hit Global and play everyday and farm as hard as i can If someone interested just please contact me and ofc price is to negotiate As Bonus I also Give Final Blade end game account with top units lv 84 and top 5 at pvp ranking units and Strongest Guild and max out my Team.