Selling  High End TOP TIER Crash Fever Account-25 Fes (Morse, Volta, Cardano, Jinyi, Gauss etc) and many Bugma Ults

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wx1234, 5/26/18.

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  1. wx1234

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    *Level 158

    *25 High End Festival Units (Fes are the most powerful units in the game)
    Morse x2 (TOP TIER red fes, drops heart as bombs 2 turns and heals+boosts rec on cp)
    Cauchy (strong red jack of all trades)
    Schrodinger (strong red jack of all trades)
    Volta (TOP TIER red nuker + support and ranking unit)
    Fahrenheit (strong red nuker+support unit)
    Summer Hubble (strong defensive red unit, great for ranking)
    Cardano (GOD TIER ranking unit)
    Halley (very good green fes that counters both junk and protect)
    New Year's Euclid (very strong red support and combo unit, amazing with morse)
    Dalton (strong green support unit, permanent extra tap to all units when fever is full)
    Gauss (GOD TIER green raid unit)
    Summer Hempel (very strong green attacker)
    Guan Yu x2 (very strong defensive/support green unit)
    Tang Sanzang (LIMITED EDITION COLLAB UNIT, party joins attacks for 2 turns, very strong)
    Summer Euler (solid blue attacker)
    Summer Mobius (strong blue support fes)
    Boole x2 (strong blue fes)
    Euclid (strong blue jack of all trades)
    Bernoulli (very strong blue jack of all trades)
    Hwang Jini (TOP TIER blue jack of all trades, can enable many combos)
    Laplace (very powerful yellow attacker)
    Pareto (strong green support unit with good synergy)

    *Many bugma ultimate units/ event units (Halloween Loki, NY Susanoo, Caocao, Gateau, Enoch Lucifer, NY Fenrir, Shub-Niggurath, Sucre, Snow Miku, Gungnir Odin, Time Travel Miku, Miku Idunn, Luka Satan, Oda, Ieyasu and more)

    *Many strong non fes hatcher and ultimate quest units such as Satan, Kim Yooshin, Gangrim, D'artagnan, Mephisto, 3x Lee Sunggye, Uhwoodong, Bonanza, Valentines Ame no Murakumo, Ame no Murakumo, Jupiter, Valentines Gambatennin, Holmes, Cthuga etc.

    *3000+ polygons worth of 90 day membership still left to collect

    *385k+ gp ready to use

    *Many nurupons of each colour, including 90+ 50 cost nurupons you can use to bugmax a strong 50 cost of your choice

    PM me or message me at yyeeben#9024 on Discord for more details (pics, evidence etc) or if you are interested. Payment through Paypal only
    Price: $175 USD (#)
    #1 wx1234, 5/26/18
    Last edited: 5/26/18
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