Sold Top Tier Account, 3x 600 characters, Not Forgotten, Redrix, 104/113 Exotics, Forsaken Digital Deluxe

Discussion in 'Destiny 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by blahdestiny, 11/30/18.

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  1. blahdestiny

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    Original owner selling this account, have played way too much destiny 2. Account is the Forsaken digital deluxe version with the annual pass, also includes base Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2.

    For any questions, or if you want pictures of something specific, I can be contacted on discord: blah#2118 or through these forums.

    Asking price is $800.

    Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service

    Hunter, Warlock, Titan all level 50, 600 light.

    Have Luna's Howl, Not Forgotten, Redrix Broadsword, all Ikelos weapons.

    Exotics: 104/113.
    Missing Exotic Weapons: Cerberus+1, Lord of Wolves, Two-Tailed Fox. Two exotic weapons that haven't released yet.
    Missing Warlock Exotics: Phoenix Protocol.
    Missing Hunter Exotics: Shards of Galanor.
    Missing Titan Exotics: One-Eyed Mask, Heart of Inmost Light.

    Have most of the exotic ornaments, I can check for individual pieces if requested, but there is no in game list of ornaments so I'm not bothering to list them.

    Have unlocked and completed catalysts for: Whisper of the Worm, Sweet Business, Sturm, vigilance Wing, Crimson, Huckleberry, Merciless, Prometheus Lens, Coldheart, Fighting Lion, Sunshot, Graviton Lance, Telesto, Tractor Cannon, Legend of Acrius, D.A.R.C.I., The Colony, Sleeper Simulant.

    Have unlocked but not completed catalysts for: MIDA Multi-Tool, The Jade Rabbit, Skyburner's Oath, Riskrunner, Borealis, Polaris Lance.

    I believe the only weapons I haven't unlocked catalysts for are The Wardcliff Coil, and Worldline Zero.

    5,000+ Legendary shards, 1,000 silver, 30,000+ bright dust, 380+ masterwork/enhancement cores.

    At least 1,000 of every planetary material, most are between 2,000 and 3,000.

    4,000+ crucible tokens, 7,000+ gunsmith materials, 600 Iron Banner tokens.

    200 raid banners, 20 fireteam medallions.

    Seals: Dredgen completed, Wayfarer 21/22, Unbroken 8/10, Chronicler 8/10, Cursebreaker 10/11, Rivensbane 15/16, most of the uncompleted seals are rng drops.

    6/10 badges, completion of these also contingent on rng drops.

    Triumphs: 783/996, 58,000+ score.

    Modifications: 12x Paragon Mod, 6x Ordinance Mod, 7x Impact Mod, 23x Super Mod, 22x Mobility Mod, 13x Recovery Mod, 7x Resilience Mod, 14x Transcendent Blessing Mod, 13x Boss Spec Mod, 8x Counterbalance Mod, 8x Major Spec Mod, 10x Radar Tuner Mod, 12x Targeting Adjuster Mod, 5x Icarus Grip Mod, 7x Freehand Grip Mod, 9x Backup Mag Mod, 4x Taken Spec Mod, 6x Minor Spec Mod, 3x Taken Armaments Mod, 1x Taken Invigoration Mod, 1x Taken Repurposing Mod, 1x Taken Barrier Mod.

    God Roll Weapons: Transfiguration with drop mag kill clip rampage, Chattering Bone with outlaw rampage, Go Figure with outlaw kill clip, Go Figure with Outlaw Rampage, Smuggler's Word with outlaw rampage, Duke MK. 44 with outlaw rampage, Claws of the Wolf with outlaw kill clip, Right Side of Wrong with outlaw rampage, Bad Omens with tracking module and cluster bomb, Zenobia-D with Rangefinder cluster bomb, Tigerspite with outlaw kill clip, Edge Transit with rangefinder rampage proximity grenades, Dust Rock Blues with slideshot and snapshot sights, Retold tale with field prep and rampage, Subtle Calamity with archer's tempo and rampage, Arsenic Bite-4B with archer's tempo and rampage, Badlander with slideshot and rampage, Mindbender's Ambition with opening shot and rampage, Wrong Side of Right with outlaw and rampage, Talons of the Eagle with outlaw and rampage, Trust with outlaw and rampage, Nation of Beasts with drop mag kill clip and opening shot, The Cut and Run with outlaw and rampage, The Last Dance with outlaw and kill clip, Valakadyn with outlaw and kill clip, Abide the Return with tireless blade and assassin's blade, Steel Zybil Z-14 with tireless blade and assassin's blade.

    In the vault, I have about 100+ weapons of varying usefulness, some might be considered god rolls, but are for weapons that I rarely use such as sniper rifles, submachine guns and fusion rifles, also 250+ armor pieces in the vault spread out over the classes that have enhanced perks, or are ideal for a specific loadout, or are backup 600 pieces to infuse into another piece.
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  2. illistew

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    oh yea this is the one the account i have dreamed of
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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