I have a lot of good players. And held back on mats and leveling to give choices. Kunchen 9 emblems, Guin and Grave both 10 emblems! Fully leveled 5* Guin Kunch Grave Panther Zeline Ariel Joon Magni Sartana Marj Posedon Evelyn Lady Locke Frida Final tier Onatel Seshat Miki Also have Kingston Santa Ares Zim Azlar Horghall Kadilen Inari Ranvir Atomos Aegir Isarnia Vivica Justice Richard Thorne Misandra Arthur Khagan Mitsuko Lianna Hatter Thoth 80 total 5* including duplicates 4* fully leveled Proteusx2 Hanselx2 Rigardx2 Jackalx3 Falconx2 Boril Kash Grimm Wilbur Gormek Tib Wu Chesire Merlin And tons more. Quite a few 3* as well My Line is CplusHopper (spell out the plus like it’s shown)