Selling Top PVE,PVP Account : 7500 Omega, 37/43 heroes , 5...

Discussion in 'Marvel Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Trần Anh, 1/28/15.

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  1. Trần Anh

    Trần Anh
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    Top PVE,PVP Account : 7500 Omega, 37/43 heroes , 5 heroes max ultimate EAch heroes have each purchase costume max ultimate: Ghost Raider, Iron man , Thor , Thing, Cyclop lv 12 ultimate : juggernaut , Rogue Geard heroes with 1-4 ultimate : Cable,Venom, Silver Sufer, Hulk, Magneto, Psylocke,Rocket Raccoon nice name ,nice friend, nice supergroup and have red raid pt in each week,pvp ALL 69 gear item level with op roll of each slot 1-5 and each challenge on each unqiue All heroes listed above have rare & top roll artifact like : lizard, gok , gorrila ,hod ....... & top rune, top medal roll too All herroes left have each legendary + blessing each 6xx ES 3xx heart of demon 7xx eye of demon 37/43 heroes have almost team-up 14 stash opened 2500 odin mark left,1000 doop mark, omega point..... *Free in stash : a lot of rare unique like :X4 mark of doom,X6 mark of xnorn, ALL RAID UNIQUE , X16 nistanboot ...........(al high roll) a lot of rare rune like : tyr, thor,odin in stash x60 500k credit cash a lot of core Invu +loh/medit full stash ring with 4 roll off full stash cosmic medal full stash for rare unique b/o: 1k5$ only accept papal verifed Skype: ivjrus *if u dun see me online, plz send me via mail :
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  2. OP
    Pepe Luis

    Pepe Luis
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    for sale do you have ultimate founders pack?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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