Rubies: 64k Transcended Essences: 201,976 Exalted Characters: 32, highest is Helios with +8 almost first impacted. Soul of Kalrar: 274 Infinity cards: 60 Gold: 3.7 Bil Dragon Buster Lvl Range: 14-16 Skill Cards Lvl Range: 14-16 Runes Lvl Range: 84-86 Jewel Range: C-U Free 9 summons: 4 Soul of Gaia: 11 El Gaia's Weapon: Highest Lvl SS grade Honestly don't know what else to post, if you'd like to know more I can take screen shots and give them to you Pretty high end relics, one raid behind the new one (New guy just trying to sell this account after playing just to log on for too long.)