Selling  Rating 1000k+  Both Android/iOS TOP LEGENDARY PARAGON. 3.200.000+rating, 17k+prestige, 9x7* champs, 25k+units 10kk loyalty and MORE

Discussion in 'Marvel Contest of Champions Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zeratul84, 9/4/23.

  1. Zeratul84

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    TOP LEGENDARY PARAGON account for high PvP content. 3.200.000+rating, 17k+prestige, 9x7* champs, 179x6* (2rank5,14rank4). 25k+units 10kk loyalty and MORE!

    1.jpg 2.jpg

    I'm selling this top account (paragon/legendary) :
    9 x 7star Champions (included Domino, Emma Frost, duped America chavez, korg, spiderGwen, Titania, misterio, ebony maw and iron Man)
    179 x 6* Champions. 14 Rank 4, 2 rank 5 (Hercules and Apocalipse) and enough resources for 2 more rank 5.
    1 6* relic and 7 5* relics

    A LOT of resources for high Level competition:
    25.000+ units (worth more than 800 $)
    10.000.000+ loyalty
    57.000.000+ gold
    8.500 elder marks for battleground
    200.000+ incursioni artifacts
    15.000 glory
    145.000 trophy (from BG)

    10 generic awakening gem 6*
    1.000.000+ 6* shard
    50+ high Level catalyst (tier 6 Class and basic, tier 3 alpha)

    And MORE more more (signature stones, full iso stack, 40.000+ cristals, a LOTS of catalyst for more hero upgrade, rankups, full potions and boost. Energy, etc...)

    All story and endgame contents fully esplored 100% (except Abyss and some back issues quests).

    Legend title.

    100% legit account over 7 years of playing. No bans, no Unit Block, no bug abusing, no mods/external software, all content completed myself (no mercs). Nothing Bad.
    Token for change name available.

    This is my (only) account. I have all information for relink account and i will provide full support over the time for email change and every possible issues (full LIFETIME support)

    # on Price.
    I sell because after 7 years I'm tired.
    I'm available for further informations and screenshots

    Message Me!
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  2. Liamd2005

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    Are you still available?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.