Sold Top Account Semi-Whale - server active-Castle 40-VIP 10-Team Earth 30K Gems

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jahnsen, 12/20/21.

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  1. Jahnsen

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    Hello everyone, I am selling an Infinity Kingdom account, the account is semi-whale, I have bought the third build, Zenobia, Daily Gem Supply, Development Fund ....
    The account is VIP 10
    It has 20 epic heroes: Gilgamesh, Julius Caesar. King Arthur, Hannibal Barca, Emperor Qin. Peter the Great, Richard I, Yi Seong-Gye. Leonidas, Zenobia, Cleopatra. Merlin, Harald III, Yoshitsune. William I, Hippolyta, Empress Wu, Ashoka, Frederick I, Cyrus the Great.
    The main troop is at max level (40)

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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