Selling   High End  Original Owner (Yes) Top Account! 2.7k+ tokens, 1.7k greens, lots of great players, unique club items, great winloss, etc

Discussion in 'Top Eleven Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by D3vil0, 10/16/23.

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  1. D3vil0

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    After hours of reflection I am decide to sell my account.
    Remarkable in every way.
    I currently have almost 2700 tokens, over 1700 greens and the entire squad of TALENTs. Right winger have 200%+
    Each of them is assigned the best playstyle for their position! All of them from first 11 are MAXED. Plus, a stock of new 36 playstyle boosters for good future prospects.
    Also 3 tickets for Draw Frenzy.
    Over 700 morale boosters and over 1.1k treatments.
    League counter for associations is maxed (x3).
    I won many of Friendly Tournaments, so I have a lot of unique club items. Also I buy some in game packs for more than

    In addition, I have ready training plans in excel!

    What is my WIN / LOSS ratio? Here you go - 1711 wins, 65 draws and only 68 defeats!
    It's clear that is one of the best in the game.

    On every match I have at least 4 fans for more ball possesion percentage.
    Few times top10 assosiation. Last time 3 months ago.
    Ground is maxed.

    I also have some unique t-shirts and emblems.

    My account can easily participate of any T11 tournaments.

    So if you want to be a TOP of the TOP T11 manager - feel free.
    This amazing account can be yours.
    Can bind the account to your gmail address.

    PS: yeah I know, price is too low... But it's good for you :)

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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