Selling Top 500 WCQ Account - 3 UR & SR Prismas Pending

Discussion in 'Yugioh Yu-Gi-Oh! Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by linkandduel15, 6/11/18.

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  1. linkandduel15

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    Trying to get rid of this account so I can buy a Nintendo Switch. Price is # but way more time, effort and cash has been put towards this account than the current listing so anyone willing to buy it at this price will get it immediately.

    I recently participated in the WCQ where I placed in the top 500 in my region meaning I will earn 3 Prismatic UR & SR tickets which can be spent however you want. You can get 3 Prisma Amazoness Princess and 3 Prisma Amazoness Swordswoman to bling out your top tier Amazons, OR if you like Beatdown Hazy maybe spend them on Dynatherium which can only be obtained as a Prismatic through these tickets and no other way. I also still have my dream ticket unspent, so any UR you would like from the first 8 sets is available. Of course like most accounts you'll see here it meets the quota of having unlocked all characters, have all of them at least past 30, and having every crucial skill in the game.

    I've been playing with this account since Wonders of the Sky came out which I believe was around March of 2017. Because of this I own cards that were given away promotionally and have not been given out since such as Toon Dark Magician Girl, and the Prismatic Blue-Eyes + Dark Magician.

    Here is a Full list of Urs/Srs:

    Here is a list of decks listed from most competitive:

    - Many more fun decks as well.

    If you're interested you can contact me here or on discord at Yehhey#1348 If you would like any more information regarding the account such as my full Prismatic inventory send a msg my way!
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  2. PlayerUp

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  3. OP

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    With the recent banlist REZ and Aliens along with SSA are back on top. Get this account while you can. Also the prismatic tickets have come in. Here is a list of what can you get. These tickets expire next month on July 12th so if you want a choice PM me fast!!
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