Top 5 Golden Kirin Hua Beggar Sect Character.

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/6/14.

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    Beggar 49 4th inner

    max meridan #3rd in server.

    108 emei/108 wv/144 bg/108 wudang/108 tang/144 rg/108 shao

    Weapon manuals:

    194 Stick

    86 barehand

    86 blade

    130 hidden weapon

    full jade class 5

    jade stick 20% luring dog 10% quick strike

    jade sword mozi 20% charg 10% charge

    jade double blades yuanyang skills + spin

    jade chef blade 5 line wep dmg 1x def break

    resil/ext crit dmg/crit dmg reduc / crit chance %'s treasures

    2x ancient taichi skills, peacock plume + open taichi lvl 3

    missing 1 skill arhat for lvl 1-9 full set

    ironhead, 9palace, touch of color, yangyang blade flaming blade set, yuanyang dual blade set, dragon slaps, drunken set, mozi sword, vict staff

    horse 4 circle 4

    TWA 4

    etc all the necessities

    all cash shops besides ensnare the soul + heavenly dance

    vipercane lore, fish blade scabbard, dual love bird scabbards, golden snake raiment

    epic poison maker and is tailor

    pure pvp / pk monster viable

    prolly leaving things out i forgot. msg if anything

    post offers or pm in game / email j03ys3t0@sbcglobal

    - - - Updated - - -

    full arhat 1-9 now

    plus new blade cash shop


    How much ?

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