All of the skills are unlocked except for resurrection Most of the heroes have the best SBW conversions and with most of those slots being maxed Also includes Blake, Little Girl, Pyrrha, Nora from Deemo + RWBY AND the three new contract heroes as well (Momotoro, Fenrir, Baili) Lvl7 Remi, Lvl7 Franz, Lvl 3 Ibelin, Lvl2 Kurenai Missing Heroes: Warriors: Isabel, Sien Paladins: Siegfried Archers: Hikari, Magnus, Atlante, Kaguya Hunters:Wilheim, Saiga, Raven, AG02- Layla Wizards: Demeter, Otter Preist: Nightingale Notable SBWs: No.9(A/A 86.25CritDmg/86.25CritDmg) Dox(A/A 517 Armorpen, 86.25CritDmg) Lorelei(A/F 86.25 CritDmg, 17% Crit Chance) Lilith(D/D 460Res/390Res) Rachel(A/A 86.25 CritDmg/402 Respen) Lupeow(A/A 517Respen/86.25CritDmg) Melissa(A/A HAP 24%/ 402Respen) Faust(A/A HAP 28.75%/HAP 28.75%) Athena(A/D 517 Respen, 460 Res) Cain(D/D, 460Armor/460Res) Arita (D/D, 460 Armor/386Armor) Joan (D/F, 304Res/21Eva) Koxinga(A/F, 412Respen/28.75Eva) Blake (A/F, 86.25%CritDmg, 11%CritChance) Lionel(A/A, 86.25%CritDmg, 312Apen) Roland(A/D, 418Respen/351Res) V(A/D, 86.25CritDmg, MaxHP +17%) PayPal Only Buyout Price: 110$, Up for negotiations Email me at : [email protected]