Hey people I'm interested in selling my account of the mobile game "Tales of Wind" Some further information: Level: 73 BR: 333k EARL 3 Guardians: I possess 5 gold guardians, which i purchased. They're all 4 star. Rank/Class: TOP 3 Mage + strongest Pyromant, overall top 15. War mount: I posess 2x gold warmounts. Also I got 2x gold equipment for my warmount. Gear: I got full gold equipment level 60, also my weapon is already upped to level 70 (I am the only Pyro with a level 70 weapon). Everything is enchanced to +11, weapon to +13. Every single equipment is expanded to +2, armor to +3, weapon is already level 70. Cards: Mostly everything is gold, level 2 and 3 gold cards. Also I posess some really good rare cards: 4x Level 2 RED cards. Outfit: I got 3 outfits, one of them is a rare one: Inari Outfit. Spirals: I still got 1,9k free spirals left which you could use. In total I spent 400+ Euros. If you need any further information/ screenshots feel free to DM me too. If you're interested DM me your price idea. Greetings.