Sold Top 200 PvP (NA version) Attack 630K and 564K defense

Discussion in 'Grand Chase Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tommy Chu, 7/8/19.

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  1. Tommy Chu

    Tommy Chu
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    Hello. I recently brought this account but I decided to sell it due to financial reasons. I can't show pics since there are potential scammers might copy the pics from me and sell them to you without knowing the original owner or current owner. I'm sending you pics once you contacted me through messaging. Here are the details about the account...

    - Rin (154k)
    -Elesis (166K)
    - Arne (156K)
    - Lire (155K)
    - Ronan (need 2 more shinys to complete) (118K)

    Full Pink Stars:
    - Jin (127K)
    - Lass (142K)
    - Dio (135K)
    - Veigas (148K)
    - Lime (130K)

    The rest:
    - Amy
    - Mari
    - Rufus
    - Seighart
    - Edel

    Assault = 195/240
    Tanker = 102/240
    Ranger = 110/240
    Healer = 140/240
    Mage = 195/240

    Looking for serious buyers only. This account has a lot of potential of getting much more stronger (all you need is more golds). If any more questions about the account, PM me or discord or LINE;
    LINE: tchu7
    Discord: LoneTom#3897
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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