Quitting the game, selling top 100 acct for $200, price #. 7* Heros: Lana - Oath & Custom; 1 matching 3* rune Ramia - Oath & Custom; 2 matching 4* rune Zeb - Oath & Custom; 3 matching 4* rune Erin - Oath & Custom; 2*,3*,4* matching rune Siara - HoS & Custom; 1 matching 4* runes and 1 3* matching rune. Bunz - Storm & Custom; 2 matching 3* runes Ramia - Sharp Blade & Custom; Notable 6* Heros: Shana lvl 42+7 Orga lvl 36+7 Plan lvl 34+7 Yura lvl 32+7(ready to awaken) Tia lvl 32+7 Ciel lvl 32+7 Mistra lvl32+7 Mithy lvl30+7 Liana lvl30+7 Sion lvl30+7 Pets: Awakened Rong 4* Piggy, fry, rong, and robot. Account as half of ext. awa for orga. Near complete raid hero awaken materials. Resources: 9.3mil gold, 1k gems, 200 rubies. If interested add me on line: maxpower64648 Buy direct: Buy Now - PlayerUp Middleman Service