Top 10 Character at Snowpine 350k Might 1. Max Equipment + 13 . 186k Gear Score 2. Funland Earring x 2 + 16 (End Game Super Earring) 3. LV 6 PVP Gems 4. LV 6 PVE Gems 5. Gold Talisman 6. Arcane max 60/60 7. Battle Field Cultivation 60/70 alot of them area almost max 8. Soul Grid (Full Lv 6 and many more Lv 5 and 6 at inventory for future upgrade to lv 7) 9. Gold Mount and Wing 10. Lots of costume 11. Pirate Card (Black Card - Highest Level) Easy to farm gems 12. 190 + Imperial Society Medal (Good # for PVP Gear) 13. Lots of material in Inventory can sell for more than 20 million coin in Auction House 14. Experience ready for lv 79 patch. Can Lv up all the way 15. Full backpack slot open with Gold Bag 16. Million of imperial notes - Future patch ready to upgrade Arcane Skill Gear is at perfect stat. You will always be TOP DPS in PVE and PVP. If you are looking for a super account. This is one for you. Because I am too busy with family. This account is very organize and neat. All inventory are being organized because i have OCD