Selling Top 10 Account on world 264 with 3 Alts

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Noobbie, 6/15/15.

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  1. Noobbie

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    This is one of the best accounts (top 10) on the best world.
    150bn might, 10's of bn boxed might.
    Over 25k galad tokens and over 300 mith.
    Officer in top 2 alli. but you can walk into any alli you want
    This account comes with 3 alts. 1 with 40bn might and officer pos.
    2 smaller alts (2bn each) in friendly alli.
    Can win any tourney;
    - Best def and attack gear available
    - Lvl 9 gems
    - 5 cities defence at max 10
    - 4 cities attack at max 10
    - Maxed buffs
    - All heroes at lvl 250
    - 50% of heroes with epic skills
    - Over 500bn of each rss (Foo/Wood/Stone & Ore)
    Loads more stuff cant list it all.
    Only genuine buyers. Screen shots avail.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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