Hello, im selling my account, because i dont have time to play it anymore. I've been playing this game everyday since 2015. and somehow didn't play it regularly anymore since June 2019 I even spent real money on the game. It feel so sad if i just leave it become weak and weaker Someone need to nurture this account and make it shiny again.. Gameplay 244 Stamina, Realm 98%, Record dungeon 48%, unfinished magicite fight but do able with all my equipment, Torments 78% My Strongest to weakest element: Holy & Dark -> Wind -> Water -> Lightning -> Fire -> Earth & Ice -> Poison. Cloud and Orlandeau are the most strongest character in this account and i have all the kit for their combo. Characters at max LVL: 90%, and still have material for you to upgrade the one that u like There are 10 6* abilities left to collect from royal Crucible, some of the skill are already fully upgraded, and still have plenty much orb for you to use. Fully Upgrade Crytal Water: Orlandeau, Cloud, Tifa, Sheike, Elara, Tyro, Sora, Alphinaud, Ramza, Bartz, Vanille, Terra *Soul Break Sync x1: Tifa Awakening x35: Cloud 2x, Tifa, Shelke, Aerith, Orlandeau, Tidus, Bartz, Terra, Zidane, Garland, Sephiroth, Cinque, Kain, Snow, Sabin, Ultimecia, Meia, Vanille, Rapha, Emperor, Relm, Dr. Mog, Vivi, Deuce, Rydia, Aphinaud, Vincent, Prompto, Red XIII, Sora, Agrias, Alma, Rinoa, Rufus, Chain 18x: Holy: Ramza , Warior of Light Dark: Seifer, Seymour Wind: Zack, Alphinaud, Faris, Freya Water: Tidus, Rikku, Edge Lightning: Prompto Fire: Elena Ice: Snow, Laguna Earth: Ingus, Rude Core class chain: Dr. Mog Arcane Overstrike 33x Glint x46 Ultra x140 Overstrike x33 Burst x137 Super x97 Unique x27 Curently this Account has 33 Mithryl 6960 Gems in it. i already linked this accout with dummy Facebook. account it's ready to use Paypal only If you have interest or have more question for this account, feel free to contact me. If somehow i dont reply your message here, you can reach me in IG "pmninetyfour"