Titan rose acc [really good donates] and 900mil zullie

Discussion in 'Rose Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    As the tittle says

    I have a cleric and scout level 193 there with alot of medals and really good donates on the cleric.

    Aswell i have loads of good items there and have around 500mil zullie and t7s and g7s and other such stuff.

    I am willing to trade this for aruarose zullie or selling this for real money

    Leave your name here.

    Still selling

    still selling!!!

    Originally Posted by SirSeb

    still selling!!!

    please only bump once per day

    How much each and how much both as a bundle?


    mail me @ *****************************************************
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