Tip For Scamming.(On Rumble Fighter chill Admins)

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    Use another account then gift it to your main account when u get banned just make another with

    10 Minute Mail:*****************************************************

    I hope this helps with those who cant just carat farm for all there life

    I have done this and it has worked a numerous times

    Originally Posted by NicoJM


    What the.....?

    Except for the part when those nooby Rumble Fighter Admins ban your IP

    Or even hardware

    this is pointless.....

    Yeah you like scamming people, but when you'll get scammed your gonna cry to your mom. I don't know you but the way you act your a no lifer that washes his love you with windex.

    umm this is a # forum not a scammers haven????

    Banning "Hardware" or IP? Who the hell cares? Get a MAC Address Changer - There are plenty out there. (That's your 'HARDWARE' ... Learn a proper term, for once. And before one of you berating computer novices that say MAC addresses can't be changed, they're in your hardware ... Do some reseach on what a MAC address is and how it works. You can change ANYTHING within a computer. And those things that you can't change, you can 'spoof' it and make it seem as if it was changed). IP Address Changing is a less-than-5-minute affair. So ... Wouldn't that mean that this just works ... period?

    nice tips -.-

    how do we scam? what do we say when we want to scam people? and other crap

    No, U get astro items then u scamm. Dumbass
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