Selling  50k+ Followers  1m+ Likes    Entertainment TikTok Account 100k Followers (SUPER HQ ENTERTAINMENT/MOTIVATION NICHE)

Discussion in 'TikTok Accounts for Sale | Buy Sell TikTok Account' started by Enterdler, 12/15/22.

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  1. Enterdler

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    My Location:
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    This is not an account made to be sold, like 99% of accounts on this website. I have been running this account for some time, all views and likes are real + even Dan Bilzerian has commented on my most viewed video.

    The price of this account is much higher than other accounts on this website because my niche is super high value and this is a real HQ account with active international followers. I respect the hustle of the guys selling TikTok accounts on this website, but to be honest, you are better off with a fresh 0-follower TikTok account than a +400k follower account with under 5 videos and botted followers + likes.

    I have an account warning because I posted lots of Andrew Tate stuff in the past, and some people mass-reported my profile multiple times (That always results in a ban). I have been banned multiple times because of that, but I have always been unbanned after contacting TikTok because I have not broken their TOS.

    With a good monetizing plan you will make HUGE amount of money with this account, I personally have made over 15k$ doing affiliate marketing for Andrew Tate with this account.

    You contact me on discord: Narsu#3007 to discuss about anything. The price is # if you have good intentions with this account. I only do middleman/you go first, don't waste my time with scams.

    I prefer crypto.

    Link for the account:

    Here are all the metrics about my audience + the link for my profile. With a good video, you will always go viral with this account.

    Attached Files:

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  2. Abdo c

    Abdo c
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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices Banned Status: This user has been banned due to fraudaulent acts against others

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    My Location:
    have a TikTok account with 17,000 followers and it's only $30
    I accept Paypal only
    Chat me on Instagram.
    My Instagram.: Abdozarifa11

    Call me before purchasing
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. Abdo c

    Abdo c
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    Suspended Status: This user has been suspended for terms of service violations or fraud practices Banned Status: This user has been banned due to fraudaulent acts against others

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    Likes Received:
    My Location:
    have a TikTok account with 17,000 followers and it's only $30
    I accept Paypal only
    Chat me on Instagram.
    My Instagram.: Abdozarifa11

    Call me before purchasing
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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