the guide said I needed to make a ticket with you if I'm paying with a gift card, what is the next steps? Thanks iTunes gift card I have the card. And can give you the numbers on it if your ready. Dunno how this works, first time trying to pay with a gift card
Are you able to complete a purchase without using an Apple or Google Play Gift Card? Are there any other payment options you can use to send payment?
Yes I can. I can pay with a credit card or PayPal. Whatever. It's the seller that wants a gift card specifically
Buyers can pay with over 50+ payment methods, seller can receive payments from 20+ payment methods. How the buyer pays doesn't determine how the seller receives money. PlayerUp is a global exchange platform as well accepting all currencies in all countries through 50+ payment gateways. What payment methods do you accept? Click here for more information on buyer payment methods. What payment methods do you use to send payments? Click here for more information on seller payment methods. Buyers can pick whatever payment method they want. It doesn't affect what payment method the seller opts to go for receiving payment.
What payment methods do you accept? Click here for more information on buyer payment methods. What payment methods do you use to send payments? Click here for more information on seller payment methods.