Selling account on Bona/Epoca servers: Account has no violations, no skulls nor enemies that would pk. Every skill mentioned below is raw, with no additional eq skill added. There are a lot of mounts and outfits (Full assassin outfit, etc.) I've sold multiple accounts before, so accountability and fast transaction is guaranteed. Contact me here or in email: [email protected] Loyalty points : 847 [BONA Chars] Main: Sorcerer 159lvl. Name: Costur Magic: 73, Shielding: 33. Screenshot by Lightshot Druid 57lvl. Name: Kind Treebeard Magic: 56, Shielding: 30. Screenshot by Lightshot [EPOCA Chars] Knight 63lvl. Name: Mensabis Kata Magic: 6, Axe fighting: 90 ,Shielding: 82. Screenshot by Lightshot Sorcerer 17lvl. Name: Grand Mal Magic: 49, Shielding: 30.
Dropping the price to 55$ and informing that for a transaction to go through safely, middleman will be used.