Common: Keeper of the Light: The King of Thieves - 10$ Sniper: Blacksail Cannoneer - 10$ Bristleback: Beast of the Crimson Ring - 10$ Doom: Wrath of the Fallen - 10$ Skywratch Mage: Secrets of the Celestial - 10$ Enigma: Evolution of the Infinite - 10$ Rubick: Carousel of the Mystic Masquerade - 10$ Shadow Demon: Crown of the Calaphas - 10$ Timbersaw: Clearcut Cavalier - 10$ Tide Hunter: Horror From the Deep - Chaos Knight: Talons of the Endless Storm - 10$ Phoenix: Blaze of the Oblivion - 10$ Arc Warden: Ire of the Ancient Gaoler - 10$ Rare: Templar Assassin: Steward of the Forbidden Chamber - 25$