Thread Options Looking for people who can do xbox achievements. Halo, Gears, ect...

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by geralds, 1/12/17.

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  1. geralds

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    I am hirering people to do xbox achievements mainly for halo series, Gear of war series, GTA Series, Call of duty series or any other high profile xbox games. Please only contact me if you can earn every single achievement. The more you can do the more i can pay you on any of these systems xbox 360, xbox one, PC. This is ment to be a long term hopefully well paying Job. DO contact me if your interested. what you will be paid will be discussed. You will deffinatly be paid reasonable for the time and effort you put it so don't be afraid to negotiate a price.

    The 2 requirements for this job. 1st you need to be easily able to reach. Second you need to prove to me you can actually do what you say buy showing me a profile.

    Contact me vea pm or on skype for more information
    Skype is live: pureisuteshon3
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