Selling Thnx for imformations. :Erdo bilir. UPDATING...

Discussion in 'One Piece Treasure Cruise OPTC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Frrok Skana, 5/8/17.

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  1. Frrok Skana

    Frrok Skana
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    Thnx for imformations. :Erdo bilir. UPDATING INFO AS IT GETS TRANSLATED Multipull Stipulations All Gold Multipulls & +1 ATK CC on all units Day 1: 3rd Multipull: Guaranteed Legend 6th Multipull: Guaranteed Gear 4 with MAX Skill Lvl 9th Multipull: Guaranteed Legend with MAX Skill Lvl Day 2: 2nd Multipull: Guaranteed New Boa 3rd Multipull: Guaranteed Legend 6th Multipull: Guaranteed Legend Day 3: 2nd Multipull: Guaranteed New Shanks 3rd Multipull: Guaranteed Legend 6th Multipull: Guaranteed Legend Legend Rate Ups(All Legends Are Still Pullable): Day 1: Gear 4 Luffy (PSY) Vinsmoke Sanji (INT) Legend Usopp TS Luffy TS Zoro Blackbeard Kizaru Cavendish Jinbe Sabo SW Ace Rayleigh Day 2: Gear 4 Luffy (PSY) Vinsmoke Sanji (INT) Shiharoshi Hody Jones Fujitora Law Bartolomeo Lucci Mihawk Marco Boa Whitebeard Day 3: Gear 4 Luffy (PSY) Vinsmoke Sanji (INT) Inuarashi Buggy Akainu Log Luffy Aokiji Corazon Doflamingo Croc Shanks Sengoku Day 1 Units Rate Up: TS Chopper (STR) Ts Brook TS Usopp TS Robin TS Chopper (QCK) TS Sanji TS Nami TS Franky Doc Q Shiryu Jesus Burgess Van Augur Laffite New Boa (INT) can only be pulled during Day 2 Day 2 Units Rate Up: Momonosuke Kinemon Cicilian Wanda Shirley Vander Decken XI Caribou Fukaboshi Neptune Dosun Zeo Daruma Ikaros Hyouzou New Shanks (QCK) can only be pulled during Day 3 Day 3 Units Rate Up: Elizabeth Perona Heracles Duval Rayleigh Onigumo Momonga Tsuru Garp Coby Ideo Elizabello Dagama Orlumbus Suleiman
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    Vincent Yanchenteck

    Vincent Yanchenteck
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    Jp op.
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    Manjyot Singh

    Manjyot Singh
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    Frrok Skana edit it Day 2&3 you don't have gear 4 luffy boosted :D
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    Frrok Skana

    Frrok Skana
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  5. OP
    Frrok Skana

    Frrok Skana
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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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