Selling this super account is an must have 18 top tier...

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by World of Tanks Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade, 8/8/13.

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  1. World of Tanks Accounts - Buy, Sell, and Trade

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    this super account is an must have 18 top tier tanks en including the arty,s all the scouts enough gold and credits 2.5 miljoen xp to convurt 26 thousand played battles almost 1300 eff rating enough premium tanks type 62 type 59 lowe and some low tier premium tanks it is an verry nice account to play US WOT German tanks 1 to 10 tiers + Type 59 premium tank + golds *Updated* Prem expired now All in the title, 3 million credits, 300 gold left, 100k+ experience ready to be converted,. Most crews are 100%some at their second perk researched t34 premium PzKpfw 38H735 (f) premium tetrarch premium Churchill premium A few low tier tanks also researched and in garage. researched tanks bold denotes tanks in garage Obj704(elite)/Batchat(elite)/t34(elite)/t110e5(elite),m48a1(elite), t95(elite), t30(elite). m40/43(elite), chaffee(elite), su100(elite), Churchhill, tetrarch, pz34h45(f) along with all the slots filled with various low tiers. Struggling to remember the low tier tank.. The one that looks like bumblebee from transformers. most crews are on their 2nd/3rd skill. Excellent gaming stats 56% win ratio. Efficiency rated at 1750 puts you in the the top 0.5% of players Battles Participated: 761 Victories: 390 (51%) Defeats: 361 (47%) Battles Survived: 214 (28%) Battle Performance Destroyed: 615 Detected: 400 Hit Ratio: 36% Damage Caused: 303 367 Capture Points: 755 Defense Points: 671 Experience Total Experience: 224 815 Average Experience per Battle: 295 Maximum Experience per Battle: Tier 7 Premium Russian TD. SU-122-44 Tier 5 British Heavy. Churchill 1 Tier 5 US Arty M41 Plus a few random Tier 3/4 All with Equipment and unused XP This is a bargain for the Premium Tank + Gold alone
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