If Youve Ever Played Rumble Fighter You Know Its A Good Game. So Please Dont # It. Look What Happened To Maple Story. Please Dont Make It Happen Again. Anyone Who Has Anything To Say About It Please Respond But Dont Be Rude. Im Not Trying To Be Mean For I Once Wanted To # It Too But I Strongly Beilive That This Game Is Just To Good. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| IGN - CrazyChaoticHackz | Email - ***************************************************** | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Originally Posted by rumbleXfighter If Youve Ever Played Rumble Fighter You Know Its A Good Game. So Please Dont # It. Look What Happened To Maple Story. Please Dont Make It Happen Again. Anyone Who Has Anything To Say About It Please Respond But Dont Be Rude. Im Not Trying To Be Mean For I Once Wanted To # It Too But I Strongly Beilive That This Game Is Just To Good. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| IGN - CrazyChaoticHackz | Email - ***************************************************** | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| You know, I think you should go back to first grade to understand the usage of capitalization. What the hell were you trying to pull, typing all your speech in caps. Moooooooron This is a # forum, so don't even think about telling people to back off, because it won't work. Since that you're on this forum, it proves that you want to # yourself. I made my point. Originally Posted by altinate This is a # forum, so don't even think about telling people to back off, because it won't work. Since that you're on this forum, it proves that you want to # yourself. I made my point. i agree :P like i said if u have nothing good to say dont say anything and i will capatilize wat i want if ur going in sult my literacy on a forum then u have problems and another thing i do # games and i do want to # this game but im not going to for the same reason it shouldnt be # ive made MY point lol, maybe you guys should've jsut left the thread alone.... anyway, RF "hacks" arent really messing the game up to any drastic extent. itll be years before u can compare it to maplestory. people are just making a few fast carats; theres already so many rich people, whats a few more? just know, carats wont buy u skills. Just stop. Originally Posted by Kildea Just stop. QFT. RF is more about skill than money. Even if you are the best player in the world, you won't get enough money to buy everything you want unless you play A LOT. It's basically saying "too bad" to the people who don't have enough time to carat farm. Basically, Skill > money. just close this thread.....besides theres no real working # yet...not saying that imma use hacks but I never did try in the first place soooo yeaaa....and i agree with u rumblexfighter this game is too good to ruin for me I don't even # the game I just check around to see what there is. some times I give advice or make stupid comments. I don't believe that we try to destroy the game because it is a fun game and all but lvling takes so long its almost impossible for me to get to lvl 20 without an astro scroll . ppl don't even like nhaa rooms for some reason ?.? . I think that most ppl probs is that this is a game where skill is bought and without a lot of carat u r limited to a very small amount of items.its almost like they make u dependent on astros to get anywhere.