Selling These cards are for SALE ONLY. I try to use savage...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gaston Jason, 5/10/15.

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  1. Gaston Jason

    Gaston Jason
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    These cards are for SALE ONLY. I try to use savage list as guideline. 5*s inventory anipad evomax x 2 Tco evomax Objm Objm evo1 Objm evomax 40 x 3 Old quigon evomax x2 Old maul evomax x3 Old maul Queen base x3 Queen evomax Sen palp evomax x2 Old sid base x4 Old sid evomax x 2 Maul rage evomax Scp base x 4 Scp evomax skill 40 Yoda saber x1 Yoda saber evomax Exile x1 Exile evomax x1 Yoda gm x 5 Yoda gm evo1 improper Yoda gm evomax skill 40 Yoda gm evomax C3po evomax skill 40 x1 Tfo evomax skill 30 Old jango evomax x2 Tow evo1 Tow base Old boba evomax x3 Old boba base x2 Cody dark Vader cc evomax skill 30 Vader cc evomax x2 Vader cc evomax skill 40 x3 Vader gt evomax skill 40 Vader gt base x 3 Vader tpc evomax Vader tpc base x8 Leia sniper improper evo1 Leia sniper base x 4 Leia sniper evomax skill 40 Lando evomax New dooku eor Appo evomax Thire evomax Tarkin merci skill 40 Chewie hok base Old han base x 2 Old han evo2 Old han evomax Han qd x 3 Ackbar evomax skill 40 Wedge x3 All evomaxes Skill 40 cards below Mas x 3 Bail x 2 Hill Leia organa3* Leia slave x 2 Yoda4* x 2 Scp4* C3po battle droid Bacara light Bacara dark x 2 Padme bot Aayla x 2 Fisto x2 Bly light Rieken Magna x4 Dodanna x 2 Lott dodd x 2 Mundi x 2 Luke xwing Lando4* x 3 Taun we Bib Dooku4* Jabba Cin Cody dark Veers Gree light Tarkin Tambor All are evomaxes skill 40
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