The Well Known & Horribly Abused Carat & Exp #(s) Have Been Patched

Discussion in 'Rumble Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/9/14.

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  1. Games

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    As of the 9-2-11 patch, the well known and horribly abused carat / exp #(s) have been patched. Their memory regions are still accessible and can still be modified, but upon the ending of a stage you're client will crash due to their income modification detection.

    yes. Yes it is.

    R.I.P may the souls of the lost be cared for.

    Rofl GG I been stopped usin the carat #.

    is there anyone who willing to donate some gears for my noob account... i got ban right after i use system hck :P... my character name is Hoover02

    Does the carat glitch in al hata still work? I'm about to start playing again.

    I have lice

    i lyk pie
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