Sold The Walking Dead Road To Survival Account 6 star Epics Level 103 Whitfield

Discussion in 'Walking Dead Road to Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by devio, 9/11/17.

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  1. devio

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    The Walking Dead Road to Survival account for sale

    Spent over 1000$ in this Account, for Sale 300$

    1 6 STAR Character - you can still choose; Tyreese or Ezekiel; all requirements are met and ready to ASCEND!

    No WAit time full Acces with Facebook.

    Line Contact thavinc3

    63 characters that are 5 star (most are level 80) (need to use 8 characters to Ascend)

    5 Stars:

    2x Ezekiel green (drop leader)
    Davie Green
    Morgan Green "Days gone bye"
    Sophia Yellow "All out war"
    Larry Green "Telltale special edition"
    2x Richard Blue "All out war"
    2x Dwight Green "All out war"
    Eugene Blue "Whispers into screams"
    Angela Yellow "made to suffer"
    2x Andrea Blue "A larger world"
    Michonne Green "A larger world"
    Kenny Green "Around every corner"
    Michonne Green "Prestige edition"
    Rick Red "Safety behind bars"
    Governer Red "The calm before"
    2x Darius Blue "The road to survival"
    Lori Yellow "Road to Survival"
    Lester Yellow

    Yellow Tyreese "Miles behind us"

    Green Negan "All out War"

    Gregory Red "A larger world"

    Yellow Barker

    Yellow Morgan

    Clementine Red "All that Remains"

    Sandy Red

    2x Earl Green "A New Beginning"

    Wilkins Yellow

    Derek Blue

    2x Mark Blue

    Joshua Yellow "Hardened Survivor"

    Carley Yellow "Telltale Special Edition"

    Shane Red

    Hershel Blue "Road to Survival"

    Ezekiel Green "Life and Death" (peacekeeper)

    Jesus Blue "Survival Road"

    Lori Red "Days Gone bye"

    Dwight Yellow "Limited Edition"

    Maggie Blue "All Out War"

    Donny Red

    Vernon Red "Telltale Special Edition"

    Tyreese Blue "Road to Survival"

    Tripp Blue "Ties that Bind"

    Cain Red

    Javier Green "Ties that Bind"

    Maggie Red "Road to Survival" w/ tutor leader skill

    2X Yellow Ellen

    Skylar Green

    Norma Green "In Too Deep"

    Andrea Red

    Blue Kenny "Telltale Special Edition"

    Mirabelle "Road to Survival, Edition #2"

    Ezekiel "Shiva Force"

    Ezekiel Green "All Out War"

    Pete Yellow "In Too Deep"

    Glenn Blue "Road to Survival, Edition #1"

    lvl 103 account
    Town Hall 20
    2x armory 20
    4x training grounds 20
    4x scavenger 20
    4x workshop 20
    9x farms 20

    220 + raid cans
    200+ war cans

    220+ world cans

    56000 Supply Points enough for another 5 star character
    Weapons: 7 legendary weapons including a STUN GUN!! (see pictures)

    Ask any questions! or ask for pictures
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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