The Ultimate account, 10 IOTD Sets

Discussion in 'GunZ Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 9/2/14.

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  1. Games

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    PM me your MSN for more pictures.

    It also has around 50 UNDECIDED platinum boxes, 6 of which are scrider sets.

    Unlimited IOTD sets.

    Deities Aura, Xian Tactical, Valkyrie, PA dress, Sir protector, Slider Sports, Fimbul Winter, Divine Hands, Heavy Metal, and Battlebroad.

    OFFER UP!.

    wow that's alot,i hope your legit

    KINTERO added 3 Minutes and 7 Seconds later...

    what is an IOTD set

    IOTD is an item of the day set. You can buy a limited set (deities/xian tactical) for an increased price and for unlimited.

    He's a scammer, don't trust him. I have someone to back me up as well.

    Winter1 you suck kk415kk is not a scamer hes the best trust me u can trade with him u can also go 1st u wont get scamed. so free bump ! and gl selling it ^_^

    Bump i hope u sell it i would buy it but i have no money QQ

    I will offer 70$

    Originally Posted by sibuis

    I will offer 70$

    LOL $70??? This guy spent like, $500 here n u're offering $70???

    Originally Posted by sibuis

    I will offer 70$

    Dont take him srsly he missed one 0 he wanted to say : " I will offer $700 , and i will go first as usually".

    Bump! 10char
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