The Secret World - Lifetime Subscription (Grand Master) account + Bonus Age 0f Conan

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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    The Secret World - Lifetime Subscription (Grand Master) account + Bonus Age 0f Conan CE with Turan and RotG addons

    Hello everyone.

    I want to sell my account if you are interested or have any questions feel free to ask me.

    Please make your offers

    4 Characters:

    Main Templar (DPS/TANK) 10.5/.4 + Raid Drops (2x Puprple Violence, Purple Laceration, 2x Purple Fury, Purple Breaching, 2x Purple Castigation, Purple Ablation, Purple Salvation, 2x Purple Liquidation)

    2nd Dragon (PvP oriented and DPS) 10.5/.4 (mixed Bullions and Black Marks gear) + Raid Drops (Purple Aggression, 2x Purple Execution, Purple Ablation, Purple Breaching)

    3rd Illuminati around 10.2-10.4 (for blue signets quests)

    4th Dragon around 10.0-10.2 (for blue signets quests)


    2400+ bonus points.

    Several Unused Criterion Upgrades

    A lot of unsloted blue and puprle signets

    Rare outfits as Blackwatchmen hoodie and pre-launch facebook. stuff.....


    Age of Conan - 80 lvl Guardian T1-T2 and somi khitai gear. and 80 lvl Assassin on Cron server.

    I'm from Ukraine so I can only accept Western Union paymnets. PayPal not working in my country to recieve paymnets.


    Main Dps Gear

    Main Tank Gear

    Main Other Talismans

    Dragon PvP Gear

    Unsloted Augmentations

    On 12.02.2014 there is 3600 Bonus Funcom points

    I have all DLCs

    I want 400 USD.

    If you have any questions feel free contact me here.., or send me your skype and I will contact you.

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