Sold The King of Fighters Allstar account: GG, DOA6 and other collabs.

Discussion in 'The King of Fighters All Star Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daimos, 7/13/22.

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  1. Daimos

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    Rank 268 account Global. Only Facebook. bindings (not used, deactivated). Everything else is not tied, not even mail. I can tie it to any of yours.

    Contact me on discord: Daimos#9810

    Brief information:

    ▪️All characters from the Guilty Gear and Dead or Alive 6 collab.
    Characters from The Seven Deadly Sins and Street Fighter V.
    There are also a lot of BS and SS characters. All in the screenshots at the link above.

    ▪️A lot of special, set and option cards. As well as a lot of stones from collaborations and simple ones.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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