Selling  Android and iOS The game (Advanced Account), USD 250

Discussion in 'Jurassic World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by solalsita, 8/18/22.

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  1. solalsita

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    Selling Jurassic World account: The game (Advanced Account), USD 250

    This account is leveled at 99%, it has more than 250 dinosaurs at level 40, with a total of 265 currently in the game, the account has plenty of resources and has both hybrids and super hybrids at level 40.
    (This account is 99% leveled, has over 250 dinos at level 40 for a total of 265 currently in the game, account is over resourced, and has hybrids and super hybrids at level 40).
    - Level 99

    - + 250 Dinos Lvl. 40

    - 3 x Level 40 Bosses

    - + 1,000,000 DNA

    - + 500,000 Credits

    - 99,999,999 Food

    - 99,999,999 Gold

    - 3 x Level 40 Indoraptors

    - 3 x Indoraptor Gen 2 Level 40

    Any questions regarding the account contact through this means.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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