Selling The end... :)

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nedim Bayındır, 5/18/13.

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  1. Nedim Bayındır

    Nedim Bayındır
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    The end... :)
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    Justin Sweeney

    Justin Sweeney
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    Dop the mounts evolve or somthing?.. I dont even have one yet :-(
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    Yeah,they spawn at certain places
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    Justin Sweeney

    Justin Sweeney
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    Oh IC!....If I buy a mount with Ruins does that me I can ride the animal right away?
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    Timothy Lingen

    Timothy Lingen
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    WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, for killing her parents. She got so bad and killed all the hospital staff, so the More-government chose that the best idea was to get rid of her, so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible, but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at midnight, Eastern Time. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, known as Facebook., and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. Apparently, if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes, u will have the best day of ur life tomorrow. U will either get kissed or asked out, but if u break the chain, you will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In 53 mins someone will say I love you or I'm sorry.*
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    Yeah,but you will need a permit
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    Justin Sweeney

    Justin Sweeney
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    Oh ok..I think I have that,..justin case though..Where do you buy them?
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    From Nick,but get bond stones and capture them for free
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    Or you can buy them at greenmont at a price of 999gold
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    Justin Sweeney

    Justin Sweeney
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    Damn thats alot!!! lol... Im Sure I nought one though.. I got the daily rewards with the free Bear for 3 days..I could ride it but I had to go get something first..Does that one permit work for every mount?
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    Nope,every race has its own permit
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    Well 999gold is a lot but you can save for it
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    I've got a horse and a chinchilla
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    Justin Sweeney

    Justin Sweeney
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    LOl dont say that you make me jealous lol.. I have nothing..I loved my bear for the three days I had it..then it dissapeared into the Abyss :-(
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    If you play on ios I can show you where to get them
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    Justin Sweeney

    Justin Sweeney
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    No android :-(
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    Nero Angelo

    Nero Angelo
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    Then check with those on android.But check arkhans field almost all normal mounts spawn there.
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    Mieklas Groothoff

    Mieklas Groothoff
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    Nice Mountain
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    Mieklas Groothoff

    Mieklas Groothoff
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    Adrian Savic

    Adrian Savic
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    I really want the purple undead dog hyachine what ever its called looks badazz I got all green undead dogs lol
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