WTS - THE best SWFC Account you will come across For sale is one of the greatest SWFC Accounts you will come across! Loads of 5*s will give you everything you need for the formation you want, or they will allow you to trade for it! Looking for the best offer, but I know this account is worth a large sum. Payment should be made via PayPal. You must use "Friends and Family" to pay. To find a specific card, press Control + F and search to your heart's content! IMAGES here: OVERVIEW Lvl. 96 Full Dark Side FREE Personal 5* Card Crystals: 82 Credits: 26,200,258 AP: 44,312 Capacity: 492 Corellian Gambit Tickets: 101 Training Remotes: 666 NAME CHANGE AVAILABLE Blueprint Maxes: NR-N99 Tank Droid MAX ARC-170 Starfighter MAX TIE Interceptor MAX Blizzard 1 MAX Snowspeeder MAX A6 Juggernaut MAX Homing Spider Droid MAX AT-TE MAX Slave I MAX Octuptarra Magna Tri-Droid MAX Jedi Starfighter MAX Bongo MAX TIE Advanced MAX TIE Bomber MAX Droid Tri-Fighter MAX AAT MAX AT-AT MAX Hailfire Droid MAX LAAT/i MAX X-wing MAX TIE Fighter MAX A-Wing MAX Naboo Starfighter MAX Jedi Interceptor MAX T-16 Skyhopper MAX Hangar: Slave I MAX Blizzard 1 MAX TIE Fighter MAX TIE Advanced MAX Blizzard I MAX Jedi STarfighter MAX TIE Bomber MAX A6 Juggernaut MAX FIVE STAR CARDS Droideka 4/7 SK40 Droideka 4/7 SK40 Droideka 4/7 SK40 Droideka 4/7 SK40 Droideka 4/7 SK40 Jar Jar [Gungan Senator] 4/7 SK40 Jango Fett [The Original Warrior] SK40 4/7 Aurra Sing 4/7 Aurra Sing 4/7 Boba Fett 4/7 Boba Fett 4/7 Boba Fett 4/7 Boba Fett 4/7 Darth Vader 4/7 C-3PO & R2-D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] C-3PO & R2-D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] C-3PO & R2-D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] C-3PO & R2-D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] C-3PO & R2-D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] C-3PO & R2-D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] C-3PO & R2-D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine [2nd Anniversary Limited Edition] Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine [2nd Anniversary Limited Edition] Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine [2nd Anniversary Limited Edition] Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine [2nd Anniversary Limited Edition] Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine [2nd Anniversary Limited Edition] Jango Fett [The Original Warrior] Qui-Gon Jinn [The Final Duel] R2-D2 Darth Sidious [Sith Dictator] PERSONAL Master Yoda (Saber) PERSONAL Darth Vader [Cloud City] PERSONAL General Grievous [Last Stand] PERSONAL Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine [2nd Anniversary Limited Edition] PERSONAL FOUR STAR CARDS Bib Fortuna [Majordomo] 4/7 SK40 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine 4/7 SK40 R2-D2 4/7 SK40 Darth Vader [Death Star] EMAX+ Dooku EMAX+ Han Solo [In Carbonite] EMAX+ Han Solo [In Carbonite] EMAX+ Han Solo [In Carbonite] EMAX+ Han Solo [In Carbonite] EMAX+ Han Solo [In Carbonite] EMAX+ Han Solo [In Carbonite] EMAX+ Han Solo [In Carbonite] EMAX+ R2-D2 [Mechanic] EMAX+ R2-D2 [Mechanic] EMAX+ Tactical Droid EMAX+ TIE Fighter Pilot EMAX+ Barriss Offee [Healer] 4/7 Barriss Offee [Healer] 4/7 Barriss Offee [Healer] 4/7 Barriss Offee [Healer] 4/7 Barriss Offee [Healer] 4/7 Barriss Offee [Healer] 4/7 Bib Fortuna [Majordomo] 4/7 Darth Vader [Death Star] 4/7 PERSONAL General Grievous 4/7 General Veers 4/7 PERSONAL Grand Moff Tarkin 4/7 Jango Fett 4/7 Jango Fett 4/7 Orn Free Taa 4/7 R2-D2 [Mechanic] 4/7 PERSONAL Shadow Stormtrooper 4/7 Anakin Skywalker Anakin Skywalker Orn Free Taa Orn Free Taa Ben Kenobi Ben Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi [Padawan] Ben Kenobi [Death Star] Teemto Pagalies Nute Gunray Nute Gunray Evo 2+ Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Darth Sidious Darth Sidious Darth Sidious Evo 1+ Mace Windu Master Yoda Boss Nass Boss Nass Boss Nass Boss Nass C-3PO R2-D2 R2-D2 [Mechanic] R2-D2 [Mechanic] Aayla Secura Aayla Secura Agen Kolar Zam Wesell Zam Wesell Zam Wesell Evo 1+ San Hill San Hill Jango Fett Jango Fett Shu Mai Dooku Barriss Offee [Healer] Luminara Unduli Clone Commander Gree DS Clone Commander Gree DS Clone Commander Gree DS Clone Commander Cody LS Clone Commander Cody LS Clone Commander Cody DS Clone Commander Cody DS Clone Commander Bly DS Clone Commander Bly DS Clone Commander Neyo DS Clone Commander Neyo DS Clone Commander Neyo DS Clone Commander Bacara LS Clone Commander Bacara DS General Grievous General Grievous General Grievous General Grievous Evo 1+ Tarfful Tarfful Mon Mothma Garven Dreis General Tagge Chewbacca [Mechanic] Chewbacca Han Solo [In Carbonite] Han Solo [In Carbonite] Han Solo [In Carbonite] Luke Skywalker [X-Wing Pilot] Leia Organa [Endor Celebration] Leia Organa [Endor Celebration] Leia Organa [Endor Celebration] Zuckuss Lando Calrissian 4/7 IG-88B IG-88B Evo 2+ Bane Malar Droideka EMAX+ Droideka EMAX+ Magnaguard Evo 1+ Scout Trooper & 74-Z Speeder Bike Scout Trooper & 74-Z Speeder Bike Evo 2+ Shadow Stormtrooper Shadow Stormtrooper Evo 1+ Sandtrooper Snowtrooper Snowtrooper Evo 1+ Vulture Droid Starfighter IG-86 IG-86 Tactical Droid BX Droid Commando ARC Trooper Fives Greedo THREE STAR CARDS Mas Amedda 4/7 SK40 Mas Amedda 4/7 SK40 Mas Amedda 4/7 SK40 Taun We 4/7 SK40 FX-6 [Healer] 4/7 FX-6 [Healer] 4/7 2-1B [Healer] 4/7 Pit Droid [Mechanic] 4/7 Pit Droid [Mechanic] 4/7 Pit Droid [Mechanic] 4/7 Pit Droid [Mechanic] 4/7 Shaak EMAX Shaak EMAX Shaak EMAX Shaak EMAX Shaak EMAX Shaak EMAX MANY MORE 4/7 THREE STAR CARDS Some Inbox Gifts (Over 181 Bonuses): 5* BB-8 PERSONAL BB-8 PERSONAL C-3PO & R2D2 [May the 4th Limited Edition] PERSONAL 4* Boba Fett 4/7 Barriss Offee Scout Trooper & 74-Z Speeder Bike Adi Gallia EMAX+ TIE Fighter Pilot x2 Darth Sidious x3 Wickett W Warrick Gasgano Rancor Dwarf Spider Droid Lando Calrissian [Palace Guard] Bib Fortuna [Majordomo] Mon Mothma MANY (Yes...MANY) Hans and Shaaks IN STORAGE (FOUR STARS): Jan Dodonna Han Solo x2 Luke Skywalker [X-wing Pilot] General Rieekan x2 Zuckuss Moff Jerjerrod General Veers x2 Lando Calrissian [Palace Guard] x2 4-LOM x3 Orrimaarko Boushh Bossk x3 Droideka x3 Magnaguard x4 Senate Guard Emperor's Royal Guard x2 Shadow Stormtrooper x2 Snowtrooper Hardcase IG-86 x2 Clone Commander Wolffe Scout Trooper & 74-Z Speeder Bike